Friday, April 26, 2019

Short Message (Memo)

Short message or memo is a form of letter or message in a short form, compact and clear that addressed to someone. Based on its use, the types of  short message or memo are formal and informal. Formal memo is used as a statement of official relationship from the leader to his staffs (memo issued by institutions, agencies or organizations). Informal memo is used as notes or statements between friends, relatives, or other people who have a close relationship (intended for people who are able or involved in organizations, institutions or agencies).

A. Definition of Short Message (Memo)

Memo is a message that is written shortly, clearly, and easy to be understood. Memo can be said formal when it is used as a formal statement letter, such as a message from a leader to employee. But it can be said informal when it is used as an informal statement letter, such as a message that is sent among friends, relatives, or other persons.

B. The Structure of Short Message (Memo)

The structure or parts of memo include :
1. Head of Memo
  • Head of memo consists of memo pad (on formal memo), sender's name and recipient's name.
2. Body of Memo
  • Body of memo consists of the contents of memo.
3. Foot of Memo
  • Foot of memo consists of the signature and name of memo maker.

C. Kinds of Short Message (Memo)

There are two kinds of Memo

1. Formal Memo
There are two parts of the form of the formal memo :

a. Head of Memo
  • Reveiver/acceptor
  • Sender
  • Matter and date
  • Signature and name
b. Content

2. Informal Memo
There are two parts of the form of the informal memo :

a. Head of Memo
b. Content
  • Receiver/acceptor
  • Sender (name)

D. Purpose of Short Message (Memo)

The purpose of memo is to request or provide information or instructions to someone who is competent.

E. Function of Short Message (Memo)

The function of memo is as a form of communication that contains directions, requests, or information about something that must be done or completed immediately.

Formal Memo

Pringsewu District Education Office
SMA Negeri  2

February 26th, 2016

From: Principal
To: All of Teachers and Staff

Please all the teachers and staff to participate in reminding students in the environmental love movement so that students are trained and accustomed to throwing trash in its place, disposing of garbage according to the type of waste, and not picking plants or flowers around the school (damaging things about the beauty and preservation of the environment around the school). 
Thank you

Indra Bahtiar

Informal Memo

From: Chyntia
For: Septi
Septi, the skirt I sewed on your place yesterday I returned. There are some parts that are not neat and very disturbing when used. I marked the part that needs to be repaired and I give a note. I was so hurried that I couldn't see you right away. I leave this to your mother. I ask for help to be fixed soon because I will wear the skirt during my cousin's wedding the day after tomorrow.
Thank you, Septi, Sorry to trouble you.


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